Benefits of Nuclear Famililes

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Nuclear families consist of two parents and their children, whether biological or adopted. This graph taken from a national survey provided by the CDC/NCHS drawn from data spanning 2001-2007, clearly identifies the truth that nuclear families are the most stable form

of familial relationships and yield the highest instances of emotional stability. Children who are raised by both a mother and a father tend to have greater ability to cope with high levels of stress and feel securely attached to parents and siblings. The before mentioned survey also concluded that “children in nuclear families were generally less likely than children in non-nuclear families…to have learning disabilities and hyperactivity disorder.”

Whereas there is clear evidence of the difficulties of the single-parent family. According to the American Psychological Association, some of the most common difficulties found in single parent homes include:

  • Visitation and custody problems;
  • The effects of continuing conflict between the parents;
  • Less opportunity for parents and children to spend time together;
  • Effects of the breakup on children’s school performance and peer relations;
  • Disruptions of extended family relationships;
  • Problems caused by the parents’ dating and entering new relationships.

Though difficulties arise in all families of all levels of diversity, traditional nuclear families generally provide added benefits which positively influence children and families. Simply stated by Robert and Jeanette Laur in their comprehensive text entitled Marriage & Family: The Quest for Intimacy, “Most Americans…continue to value marriage and family. They want good marriages and satisfying family lives for themselves . And a large majority of those living in a family situation affirm that it is the source of their greatest satisfaction in life.” The family unit most be upheld with great passion and dedication.


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